Ideas List

Organization name: Synfig

Organization description: Synfig is a 2D open-source animation software which allows to create motion graphics and cut-out animations for product explanation videos, tutorial videos, etc.


GitHub repository:

Announcement: This year, with the release of Synfig 1.4.0 we are taking an effort to update Synfig documentation. This includes complete re-structurization and migration to modern ReadTheDocs platform, which will make further maintaining and development easier. To assist with this process we are applying for Google Season of Docs.

Project ideas

With the release of major stable version 1.4.0 we have a single top-priority project this year.

Project name: Re-structurize and update documentation for Synfig 1.4.0.

Description: The goal is to refactor and update documentation for new version 1.4.0. As part of this process the documentation will be migrated from MediaWiki to ReadTheDocs (Sphinx) format.

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