
Synfig Coordinate System

  • Origin that is [0, 0] is placed in the center of the canvas. Positive x-axis is towards the right of origin and positive y-axis is towards the upside of origin as demonstrated in the figure.

  • Rotation is measured starting from positive x-axis towards the anti-clockwise direction.

Lottie Coordinate System

  • Origin that is [0, 0] is placed at the upper left corner of the canvas. Positive x-axis is towards the right of origin and positive y-axis is towards the downside of origin as demonstrated in the figure.

  • Rotation is measured starting from negative y-axis towards the clockwise direction.

Value of unit in pixels

1 u = \(\frac{image\ width\ in\ pixels}{image\ area\ width}\) px

Origin conversion

x_lottie = \(1u * x\_sif + \frac{image\ width\ in\ pixels}{2}\)

y_lottie = \(-1u * y\_sif + \frac{image\ height\ in\ pixels}{2}\)

Interpolation conversion

  • Green Tangents: Lottie format tangents

  • Red Tangents : Synfig format tangents

  • Internally the interpolations are calculated using Bezier curves by Synfig.

  • In Tangents for the formats differ in direction. They are exactly opposite of each other.

  • Length of tangents differ by a multiple TANGENT_FACTOR, which is a constant.

Unit conversion

  • Opacity, referred to as amount: Amount(lottie) = Amount(.sif) * 100

  • angle_lottie = (90 - angle_sif) % 360 + shift*360

    where shift = -[theta / 360]