Adding a Sound notification

After the implementation of #648 - GUI: Play a sound when rendering is done,

it could be useful to keep a track of the way to implement a new sound notification in SynfigStudio

This tutorial will be divided in 2 parts:

  • Adding the sound notification

  • Adding an option to Preferences dialog

Adding the sound notification


  • Add your sample in this directory in your source tree.

  • Add a notice about the license of your sample in readme.txt (the asset should have a permissive license)

  • Add your sound sample to the list in


Declare the sound (Mix_Chunk*) as a static member.

//The sound effects that will be used
static Mix_Chunk* gRenderDone;

You could add a bool declared as a static member for an option to play the sound (to be defined in Preferences dialog).

static bool use_render_done_sound;


  • Initialize the sound (Mix_Chunk*) to NULL.

You could find the gRenderDone and add it after.

Mix_Chunk* App::gRenderDone = NULL;

As well you may initialize the bool for allow to play the sound; this will be connected later in the Preferences dialog

bool App::use_render_done_sound = true;
  • Locate this part (at the end of the constructor App::App )

path_to_sounds += ETL_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

and load your sound as follow (the volume is set at 50% if success)

//Load sound effects
App::gRenderDone = Mix_LoadWAV( (path_to_sounds + "renderdone.wav").c_str() );
if ( App::gRenderDone == NULL ) {
    synfig::error( _("SDL_mixer could not load gRenderDone : %s\n"), Mix_GetError() );
}  else {
    Mix_VolumeChunk(App::gRenderDone, MIX_MAX_VOLUME/2);
  • Finally, free the sound in the destructor App::~App (and NULL the pointer)

//<!- ----- SDL2 - Sound effects -----
//Free the sound effects
Mix_FreeChunk( App::gRenderDone );
App::gRenderDone = NULL;


You should add

#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_mixer.h>

Add your sound effect play where it should be (end of an event for example)

You have 2 possibilities after this

  1. Play directly without control in the preferences

//Sound effect - RenderDone (-1 : play on first free channel, 0 : no repeat)
Mix_PlayChannel( -1, App::gRenderDone, 0 );


  1. Play according the preferences

//Sound effect - RenderDone (-1 : play on first free channel, 0 : no repeat)
if (App::use_render_done_sound) Mix_PlayChannel( -1, App::gRenderDone, 0 );

Adding an option to Preferences dialog

In the first part we added use_render_done_sound to prepare a preference option.

It will be a toggle toggle_play_sound_on_render_done in Preferences/Render tab


  • In class Dialog_Setup

add the declaration of the “changed” handler

void on_play_sound_on_render_done_changed();

and the corresponding Switch control

Gtk::Switch toggle_play_sound_on_render_done;


  • Find in which page and which position you will add your option (named toggle_play_sound_on_render_done, here in Dialog_Setup::create_render_page(PageInfo pi))

// Render - Render Done sound
attach_label(pi.grid, _("Chime on render done"), ++row);
pi.grid->attach(toggle_play_sound_on_render_done, 1, row, 1, 1);
toggle_play_sound_on_render_done.set_tooltip_text(_("A chime is played when render has finished."));
                                .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Dialog_Setup::on_play_sound_on_render_done_changed));
  • In Dialog_Setup::on_apply_pressed()

// Set the use of a render done sound
App::use_render_done_sound = toggle_play_sound_on_render_done.get_active();
  • Create the handler

    App::use_render_done_sound = toggle_play_sound_on_render_done.get_active();
  • In Dialog_Setup::refresh()

// Refresh the status of the render done sound flag


  • In class Preferences,

among the saving parts

    return true;

and among the loading parts

    int i(atoi(value.c_str()));
    return true;
  • In the ret.push_back part, add

  • In restore_default_settings(),

add a default value

synfigapp::Main::settings().set_value("use_render_done_sound", "1");

Don’t forget that some parts have been done in the first section

Hoping it will be sufficient to understand the whole system :)