
Synfig GSoC application 2024

How did you first find out about Google Summer of Code?
Found that on the web in announcement from Blender Foundation
Website URL for Organization:
Open-source 2D animation software
Primary Open Source License:
What year was your project started?
Link to your source code location:
Organization Categories
Media (graphics, video, audio, VR, streaming, gaming, content management, etc)
Organization Technologies:
C++, Python, GTK, GTKmm
Organization Topics:
Vector graphics, Animation, 2d/3d graphics
What would your organization consider to be a successful GSoC program?
This summer we plan to help newcomers to the open source world and attract new contributors.
How will you keep mentors engaged with their GSoC contributors?
Every contributor opens GitHub’s issue, which is corresponding to his project and there provides weekly public reports about his progress. Every mentor should follow reports and provide on-time feedback and consultation to contributor via public discussion in relevant GitHub’s issue or privately via email/IM. Also, every mentor is required to contact contributor at least twice a week to check for the progress.

Administrator of the project also watches reports and ensures that feedback provided by mentors on time.

How will you keep your GSoC contributors on schedule to complete their projects?
Every contributor is required to write a short report about his progress every week, answering those questions:
  • How was the last week? What did you accomplish?

  • What is the #1 thing slowing you down?

  • What do you want to have done by the end of next week?

These weekly blog posts will allow the contributor’s mentors and org admins to notice if a contributor is falling behind right away.

How will you get your GSoC contributors involved in your community during GSoC?
Considering that there are no mechanics to 100% guarantee contributor involvement after the program, we aim to maintain a community with a special attitude, where a contributor can have a home-like feeling, where he know his work is valued and appreciated by community other members and creative people from all around the world. This is the main motivation to contribute for all current project members.

Given that we put initial contributor motivation in the first place, we understand that there are situations where a massive and long-term contribution effort it not possible without monetary reward. So, thanks to a regular income of donations we can afford to pay a small grants for implementing some features, for contributors who have proven their abilities and skill to carry and complete projects. The money for such grants are collected via continuous crowdfunding and other means (see for details).

Why does your org want to participate in Google Summer of Code?
GSoC gives us an opportunity to grow our community of contributors. With GSoC contributors can work on Synfig full time for 175 hours and that’s a great advancement to our project. But that’s not all - the fact of participation in GSoC attracts attention to our project: before GSoC coding period starts, we get many contributions from aspiring contributors, who wish to proof their skills to be selected for participation. That’s also a great boost for our project.
How many potential mentors have agreed to participate?
Has your org been accepted as a mentoring org in Google Summer of Code before?

Which years did your org participate in GSoC? [Checkboxes]

  • 2019

  • 2020

  • 2021

  • 2022

  • 2023

Proposal Process / Application Instructions

Before applying, please make sure to read [getting started page](

Application Template


Please provide your full name

**Email / Social / Web**

Where can we contact you? If you have a web page you'd like us to know about, please include it. Make sure to mention your Facebook, Twitter or other identities.


A short description of your planned GSoC project.


Describe how your project will benefit Synfig. Will it benefit artists using Synfig? Will it be an aid for future Synfig development?


Provide a user-level summary of the final output or results of your project. How does it integrate in Synfig, and how does it cooperate with the rest of Synfig's features? Note that end-user documentation should be one of the deliverables as well.

**Project Details**

A more detailed description.

**Project Schedule**

How long will the project take? When can you begin work?
Include an estimated timeline of the project with mini-milestones.
Do you have any possible school or work conflicts with your schedule?

** Short Bio**

Please let us know who are you, what are you studying (and where), and what activities do you enjoy? What is your experience using Synfig or animation or other computer graphics programs? What code development projects you've participated in? What makes you the best person to work on this project? If you have any history submitting bug fixes or patches to our issue tracker at GitHub, please indicate what you have done.

Proposal Tags

improvement, bugfix, infrastructure

Contacts Methods:

Mailing List:

General Email: contact -AT- synfig -DOT- org


